I missed out on a lot because of this religion, but I have to give credit where it's due. Thank you Watchtower for causing me to not feel like I missed out on jack shit when it comes to birthdays and holidays. To celebrate a birthday to me is the ultimate in arrogance. Like my old barber used to tell me as a teenager, "if you think you're important, drop dead." Who gives a f#$# about what day you were born. People suffer and die every day on the date of someone's birth. Besides, what makes the date of someone's birth special anyway? I'm glad I've never celebrated a birthday and to be honest with you the thought of it is somewhat repugnant. I still tell someone happy birthday when they announce their special day as I'm happy to see other people happy. It's still a stupid excuse to celebrate something, but if it makes you happy then have fun.
Christmas disgusts me. Commercial bull shit and a sorry excuse for the family to get together and get sentimental. Stupid songs, stupid children with their stupid parents, stupid holiday hours, stupid colors, phony emotions and sentiments, etc... Not to mention Christmas is about as Christian as Louis Farrakhan. It has pagan roots, and there's nothing to support Christ's birthday being around the time Christmas is celebrated. Honestly, I hate Christmas and I wouldn't have a problem if the goverment outlawed it tonight. Stupd holiday.